Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Everything is Rent

So I have called this blog confessions of a theatre addict, and I have yet to really talk about theatre. I think it is about time I fix that. One of my favourite musicals of all time is Rent. My introduction to it was in 2005 when the film version came out. I was living up in Sudbury, I was so excited for this movie everytime I saw the trailers. I just knew I was going to love it. I bought the soundtrack before I had even seen the movie. I was at one of the first screenings, and that was it, I was hooked. I saw it at least 8 times in theatres. I wanted nothing more than to see the show on stage. I spent over $50 ordering the Rent Bible through Coles, and got the DVD the day it came out.

In 2007 I had tossed around the idea of going to NYC that summer for the first time. The day I heard that two of the original cast members Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal (who were also in the movie)  were going to be reprising their roles of Mark and Roger for a limited engagement, I bought my ticket then and there. Funnily enough a fellow theatre geek Sara -who I met in a lottery line for the musical We Will Rock You- bought tickets for the same performance, just a few rows back from me. Rent was the last show I saw that trip, (having seen Spring Awakening and Wicked first). I was so excited, arriving at the show, I was third row on the left. It was everything I could have hoped. I was just so excited to see them. Anthony Rapp was one of my idols I guess, I loved his book Without You. During the curtain call I watched him send up three claps to Rent's deceased creator Johnathan Larson.

Afterwards the crowds at the stage door was insane. People that hadn't gone to the show, had lined up waiting to meet them. There was pushing and shoving. I was lucky and got my programme and Anthony's autobiography signed. Here's a pic of the stage door crowd:

The next time I saw Rent was on my 27th birthday, March 16 2008. It would be last time I saw it on broadway. as it closed a few months later. At time one of the original ensemble member's Rodney Hicks was playing Benny, I tried to talk to him, but he walked right past me, so I never did get my Rent bible signed by him. I had saved up to buy souvieners a little stuffed cow, a t-shirt, and a backpack that had a programme in it. The big thing about that performance is I got to see Karmine Alers perform Mimi, she was apparently Johnathon Larson's first choice to play her, but for whatever reason couldn't.Here's a pic of me and my Rent memorabilia

I saw Rent was a week later, when the touring company had come to Toronto. (I think Sara had tickets to that show too weirdly enough, as if they wasn't weird enough, the people I sat beside the week before were also going to the same show as they were Canadian too!) I had dragged my little sister who hates rent with a passion. The most exciting thing about that performance was meeting South Africian Idol winner Heinz Winkler. I totally made an ass of myself later, as I was going to my sister, I can't believe we met him, not knowing he was right behind us. Whoops! Here's me and Heinz

 That fall I drove to Newmarket to go see a screening of the final broadway performance at the movies, because it wasn't playing where I live. ( I can admit when I am totally geeking out, that was one of those moments) I ended up getting the DVD for my birthday in March 2009. One thing that is really cool is I had seen alot of the people in the recording perform on broadway. I was back in NYC for Christmas 2008, and I made a point of having a Rent theme and having my Christmas breakfast on Avenue B. (For those who don't know Rent starts of on Christmas Eve in NYC's east village) I had originally wanted to go to the Life Cafe, for huevos rancheros, but it was closed so I went back on boxing day (Huevos Rancheros are mentioned in the song La Vie Boheme which is set in The Life Cafe). I signed the Renthead register while I was there, I didn't even see it the first time I went to the Life Cafe with Sara and her friend Mindy after I saw Rent the first time  Here's a pic of me sitting at the Jonathan Larson bench with the heuvos:

The next time I saw Rent was in January 2009 in Buffalo, New York (Funnily enough Sara was there too, again we had bought tickets separately) Adam and Anthony were going to be touring with a lot of the  people that had been on broadway and on the DVD. Originally they were supposed to come to Toronto, but Buffalo was as close as they were coming, so I went. When I bought the ticket, I had originally got a ticket for the matinee, and it was a decent seat. For some inexplicable reason, I looked at evening show tickets, and found a second row seat. What does a sane person do? They go to both shows on the same day. So in the middle of winter, I did a day trip to Buffalo for Rent. I remember getting stuck behind the bus on the way back. Too be honest I don't even remember if I got Anthony to sign anything that trip, I took pics at the stage door. They didn't do any poised pics.

Because fate has a wicked sense of humour, Adam and Anthony eventually came on tour with Rent to Toronto the following January. Yes I went. This time I went to the stage door before the show. It worked out well, because I was able to get posed pics with both of them, as well as original broadway cast member Gwen Stewart. (All of them signed my Rent bible too!)  There is a really funny Gwen story that goes along with this. There was a small group of us waiting around for Gwen, and when she comes out, someone says to her "we're waiting for Gwen Stewart", then Gwen says "I am Gwen", the supposed fan replies... "you look different than you do in the movie" to which Gwen replies that she wasn't in the movie. Total face palm moment! Here's some pics of me and Gwen and one of me and Adam:

When Anthony was in town this trip, he did a signing at Indigo in the Eaton Centre, so I went to that as well. I got certain stuff personalized, like his cd, and autobiography. He also signed a calendar that he didn't know he was being quoted in. It turns out the quote about fearlessly being yourself wasn't even his. It was someone he was quoting.Here's me and Anthony and the calendar:

The last time I saw Rent on stage was a local production in 2011. It was a little scarring, I have never looked at the line trim her tree the same away since. The actress playing Mimi really sucked. It was an all white cast, so that was an interesting spin. I ended up working on another show with the actress who played Maureen.

I have some other occasions where I met some of the original cast members in different circumstances. Those who are a fan of Wicked <3 <3 and Glee will no doubt be familiar with the name Idina Menzel. (For those who don't know she was the original wicked witch of the west Elphaba in Wicked, original Maureen in Rent, and plays Shelby on Glee). She had her first concert in Toronto back in 2008 at the Danforth Music Hall. She did a lot of her solo music, with nods to Rent and Wicked. The stage door was crazy there must have been about 70 of us that waited around for the stage door. There was confusion though, and those who had been waiting right outside the doors got the shaft as she was ushered to her tour bus across the street and lost their prime spots. Despite holding my Rent bible high in the air, it remained unsigned. I came away with nothing, but disappointment, but I enjoyed her concert. I had barely got there on time because traffic was horrific it took me over 40 minutes to get from the highway 400 near the 401 to Yorkdale Mall where I catch the subway. I think the AC/DC concert that night might of had something to do with it.

Idina ended up returning to Toronto three years later this time performing with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra which was conducted by none other than legendary composer Marvin Hamlisch. I can remember commenting to my boyfriend N, just think one day we'll be able to say we saw him conduct, I didn't know that moment would be six months later! I digress this was a little different, because the show was being filmed for a PBS special and for a CD recording, so technically you can say I was Idina's back up because the audience sang along during a couple of numbers like No Day but today from Rent, and Pokerface (Which she had covered on Glee). There were more broadway standards less original music which is a shame, because I think N. would have enjoyed himself more. He was pretty stocked when he met Idina's husband though movie star Taye Diggs. Taye and Idina had met while they were in the original cast of Rent, he played her nemesis Benny. (They both reprised their roles in the film version) Taye came out and did a surprise song and dance number with her, that was really cute, and Marvin had referred to him as his twin. (I remember thinking postively on the drive there  that he would be there and I would get to meet him. The stage door was alot better this time, it was indoor at the Royal Conservatory of Music. I actually got posed pics with both Idina and Taye, and they both signed my Rent bible. They were both really sweet too. That night at the stage door, I randomly ran into this girl Siobahn who I'd met in two months earlier at a book signing at Word on the Street festival, and we've been good friends ever since. Here's are the pics of me and Taye and Idina

This past December Anthony Rapp was back in Toronto, this time for his one man show Without You, which is based on his autobiography. I have mentioned this book a few time now, I better tell you what it is about, it is basically about his experience with Rent taking off, losing it's creator and losing his mother to cancer. (Total tearjerker ) I happened to be in the city going to see the ballet Giselle, and Anthony was going to be giving a free concert at Indigo, so I made a point of going. Siobahn had held a spot for me, I also knew that Sara was going to be there. As I was arriving I literally ran into her! Turns out she and Siobhan and met before, and Siob and told Sara about the concert, and Sara told me even though I already knew about it. What a small world! The concert was great, and I got a poised pic of Anthony and a signed copy of his show's soundtrack.
The next week I actually went to see his show, and when I was getting a copy of his book signed as a Christmas present for my cousin, he apologized for not remembering my name, but said he recognized my face. I was totally geeking out over that.

That is basically my story thus far of Rent. I hope to have all the original cast sign my bible one day, so far I am at 5 of 15. I will leave you with a pic:

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