Monday, July 1, 2013

Gatsby, playing spiderman, Swift disapoints and subway time warping

First off Happy Canada Day! Things have been pretty quiet lately no thanks to the fact my boyfriend N. sprained his ankle and hasn't been up to much. There is a bit of a back story. The day before this happened, I was an idiot and locked my keys in the house, so I had to try and spiderman my way to my back door twice. I successful got to the door, but couldn't jimmy it with a credit card so I, had to go get the N's key from him at work.

The next night, N. and I planned to go see a late screening of the Great Gatsby, which I had been really looking forward to. I was greeted with Honey, we need to go to emerg. N. had locked his keys, and rather than waiting the 30 mins until I got back, he decides to try and spiderman his way in and fell and hurt himself. The ER wasn't too bad I think we were in and out in just a couple of hours. It's been tough because we can't do everything we like to do like go for walks, it sucks especially with the weather being so nice now.

We did go see Gatbsy the following week. I thought it was great (cheesy pun totally intended). Visually it was beautiful, the music sucked though. I didn't really like the modern music, I rolled my eyes and wasn't surprised that Jay Z the music producer put his wife's music on the album. I have to say it was pretty faithful to the book, which I have since read. (I was never forced to read it in high school)

Despite things being quiet I have managed to get to Toronto a couple of times this month. I went to Taylor Swift's concert at the Roger's Centre on June15th .  As much as I like her music, I am left feeling kind of meh. I think the venue had a lot to do with it, I had never been a concert at the Roger's Centre before, and I knew I was getting nosebleed seats, but my experience with nosebleed seats at the Air Canada Centre is that you can still get a decent view and photos. I think I might spring for the better seats next time or just not go.  My view was partially obstructed, as I got the cheapest ticket I could because I am saving up for a trip so I am watching my pennies. The three opening acts were okay, they didn't really hold my attention, they were young guys meant to appeal to the teeny boppers Austin Mahone I think was one of them.

I was surprised how unfamiliar I was with alot of the songs, even though I had listened to Taylor's new ablum (Which I had won off the radio) in its entireity. The songs I know she did were Stay, stay, stay; 22; I knew you were trouble; You belong with me; We are never ever ever getting back together; Mean and Love Story (I may have rioted if she didn't sing that one ;O) ) Plus there were songs I have heard over the years over the radio, I was really surprised when she didn't do her song Fifteen or Mine or even Back to December.  I was even more surprised that she didn't do an encore. It's rare that I got to a concert of an artist I really like and leave liking them less. She didn't seem genuine at all, very fake "I'm standing here with 45,000 of my closest friends" and "if you've been to my concert before welcome back I've missed you" (can you just see my eyes rolling?) I didn't leave with one of those happy post concerts rush, OMG that was amazing.

The performance was fine, no complaints other than the aforementioned missing songs. She is talented, she played three different intstruments during the show. I liked the fact she had a separate mini stage near the back of the floor that she went and sang on for a for a few numbers. To get there she sort of crowd surfed with her dancers as she sang 22. She made her way back to the main stage walking through the crowd -heavily guarded- as she sang different song, and she touched peoples hands along the way though. I did like that part, I also liked that parts of the stage raised and the fireworks. There was a lot of theatricality that I did enjoy, she put on a show. The costumes were cool, she must have had at least 20. During I knew you were trouble, she was wearing this oversized white dress then, she had her dancers around her and then all of a sudden it was gone and she was wearing a mini black one when her dancers left her. I do like the fact that her outfits were appropriate I think, some were cutesy, others were a little more sexy, but nothing really raunchy. I have a lot of respect for artists that don't go overly sexy especially when they are idolized by young girls. Here are a few pics of the concert

 I think the last really big concerts I went to was Katy Perry and Judas Priest back in 2011, I've been to other concert's since then (Alanis Morissette (my hero), Idina Menzel, Jann Arden, Kristin Chenowith, Joan Jett, Amanda Marshall, Testament, ZZTop, Bangles & B52's), but they were smaller scale, in both venure and production. (I don't even think they removed the astroturf off the baseball diamond, I could see the baselines!  When I saw Katy Perry it was at the Air Canada Centre, and had lost of costume changes and theatrics, (Judas Priest was also at the ACC, as it was a metal concert, they didn't have costume changes or fancy choreography.)

Speaking of choreography, I participated in a subway dance party on the TTC  on Saturday with my friends Siobahn and Alex. It was SOOO much fun. We just randomly started to dance one by one to our mp3 players. It was awesome. We danced all the way from museum to eglinton and back again. The first train was one of the newer ones that didn't have separate cars and was airconditioned, whereas the second one was older and wasn't air conditioned. It felt like a sauna, but it was a good work out. I totally did the timewarp, jumping to the left and stepping to the right, and all the hand motions to the Spice Girls song Stop (Laura W you would have loved it). Siobahn had told me about it, and I dragged Alex along. I will leave you with a pic of the action.

Photo: Subway dance party on TTC (I totally did the time warp)

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