Sunday, January 26, 2014

Do you hear the people sing?

I saw Les Miserables yesterday with my friend Verena. To be honest I was planning on seeing it, because I am not a huge fan of the show. After all  the rave reviews and gushing Facebook statues I had to see what all fuss was about, so I broke down and bought a ticket.

I remember the first time I heard music from Les Mis, someone singing along to the Castle on the Cloud for in an audition a talent show when I was in grade 7 or 8. Previously  I was interested in seeing it, so I had rented the1998 film starring Liam Neeson and Geoffrey Rush thinking it was the musical, not realizing it was an straight book adaption.  Whoops, now I know that musical adaptations get A LOT of fanfare, so I don't know how I made that mistake! I finally saw it when the 25th Anniversary Special aired on PBS in 2011 or 2012 and was underwhelmed by the 25th Anniversary special. I wonder if that had anything to do with the fact a Jonas brother was playing Marius?;O) I still decided to give the movie with Hugh Jackman a chance.

With the movie I thought Hugh Jackman was great, and Helena Bonham Carter was fab as Mme Thenardier. I think that Amanda Seyfried (Who I adore) has too much vibration in her voice, I noticed it in Mamma Mia when she sings high notes. Again I didn't fall in love with Les Mis, but I liked the music, some of it is really catchy.(The title of my post is taking from song lyrics from the show for those not familiar)  Here is a pic of  me with Hugh Jackman in the background at the Princess of Wales stage door in 2011)

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The production sucked me in with the first number Look Down. The ensemble was really strong, I had no issue with their numbers. This production definitely made me more of a fan, there is nothing like live theatre. I still wouldn't say it was one of my favourite shows, but I have a new appreciation for it. I would probably even see another production sometime.

When you start working on shows from the production side, you see other shows through from a conceptual lens. I think you catch mistakes more easily, either that or I have an eye for details, like one the street lights not being turned on etc. One of the characters goes off a bridge in to the Seine and I was expecting to see a trap door, and was surprised to see the bridge split apart and the projection screen behind served as the water. I thought it was interesting how they did it.I definitely wouldn't want to design the whole show on my own for costumes at this point anyway there are SO many!

One thing I am finding consistent with all the versions I haven't been bowled over by ANY of the females playing the leads with the exception of Madame Thenardier. In this production Fantine and Cosette were unremarkable, there vocals were far from stand out. Fantine's acting was fine, Cosette was a little much for me.  In the film I thought Anne Hathaway was okay her vocals in the finale were great. I wonder if it is because Idina Menzel and Lea Michele did such a great version of I Dreamed a dream on Glee that for me all pales in comparison? Plus Lea didn't that beautiful snippet of On My Own in Glee's pilot. (I have seen both Idina and Lea perform live by the way)

I was really looking forward to Canadian Idol Winner Melissa O'Neil's rendition of On My Own. I was disappointed. The pace of the song was really sped up, so it wasn't the melancholy ballad I am familiar with. I don't know if because it was sped up or because she was trying to sound emotional and not make it pretty a la Anne Hathaway but it sounded rough in a few places, and I was cringing in places. (Before I get crucified, yes I realize Anne plays Fantine not Eponine in the film and doesn't sing that song, but that was the technique she brought to her singing, in an interview she felt it was inauthentic if she tried to sound pretty) I thought Melissa's acting was great though. No complaints there. I had met Melissa back in 2008 when she was featured in Dirty Dancing. Here's a pic.

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I have to admit I was truly blown away by Ramin Karimloo who was playing the lead Jean Val Jean. His vocals are incredible.He truly was the star of the show. He will be playing the lead in Broadway this spring I wonder if he can be nominated for a best actor Tony because it is a revival production not sure of the rules on that. He has my vote if he does get nominated. Ramin has also played Phantom in Phantom of the Opera, it is rather interesting that often actors who play Phantom also play Jean Val Jean. I may be a little pic of  Ramin fangirl now. He alone was worth going to see even if I didn't

I went to the stagedoor which is the same place I met Hugh. (My photographer Verena needs some practice ;O), it didn't go well) It is a really goofy pic .He was polite but you could sense Ramin was kind of a hurry, I don't blame him for not wanting to be out in the frigid whether. I will leave you with the pic of us.

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