Friday, March 21, 2014

My birthday at the ballet

My blog is called confessions of a theatre addict, but so far I have really only talked about one kind of theatre: musicals. I also quite enjoy ballet. For my birthday earlier this week I saw Swan Lake for the first time. I am a huge fan of Tchaikovsky's work and thought it would be a great way to commemorate the day, especially it being the only one of his major works I haven't seen.

I took ballet for the first time when I was 4 and studied it off and on, but never got very far, never en pointe. It wasn't until I was in my early 20's that I saw my first ballet. I was living in Vienna (Wein), Austria. The Staatoper there offered 2€ standing tickets. At the time I didn't like the performance of Kadettenball because I thought it was unconventional. I wonder what the more seasoned ballet goer I am now would think if I saw it today. (I think I have seen probably close to 30 different performances since 2006)

I digress, these days I still line up for tickets, but a little more expensive $35 but better seating! Because I don't live in Toronto ensuring that I get good seats means getting up before the sun. The rush tickets go on sale at 11 when the box office opens, usually there are over 60 people queued up. Being there early is key my plan was to get to Toronto around 8, catch the subway and arrive by 8:30 at the opera house. Slight snag we arrived discovered the subway doesn't start running until 9! There was someone else waiting too so we suggesting splitting a cab. This young guy was from Orlando, Florida, and paid for the $60+ cab-ride that was only supposed to be $30 max at flat rate, my boyfriend N. handed him a $20 though.

When I last lined up a year ago, we could wait in the subway/lobby area, but I guess the building manager had a fit and now it is not allowed, N. and I were definitely not expecting to wait outside (I am not sure he would have agreed to go if that was part of the deal, birthday or not) for two and half hours. What we did was everyone waiting when there wasn't that many of us, we rotated waiting outside and inside the door out of camera view.

There was a bit of injustice in the line. This woman who was fifth in line (I was seventh) had her daughter show up at ten to eleven and join her in line they needed four tickets and it is a max of two tickets per person.  This is unfair because now someone who did wait in line for a long time didn't get tickets, I feel really badly for them, especially because it wasn't even for good reasons, the grandkids had activities like swimming. Even a little girl who was in the ballet, lined up with her mother so they could get 4 tickets. Seriously if seeing the ballet is that important to you put in the effort! After acquiring out tickets we went for a sort of French themed brunch of crepes, and I treated myself to a mimosa.

I was like going to the pre-ballet talks which usually talk about the particular ballet's history, or technique. I find them really interesting especially because I dabble in the production side of theatre. I particularly love getting seats near the stage, so I can get a close look at the costume details. This talk was really dry and I didn't really find out anything that wasn't in the programme. One thing about the ballet that blows my mind is that they spend $170,000 a year on pointe shoes alone!

As to the performance I was meh on the first act, although the violence implied against the character of the serving wench stood out. It was amazing watching the dance of the four little swans in act II - for those that don't know it is a famous dance where four ballerinas link arms and ance in sync- it is quite something to see.

I loved the third and four acts, perhaps, because that is where more of the action takes place. The sets and costumes were really luxe as well. The dancer playing the Swan Princess Odette and the dual role of Odile was fantastic. I could really tell the difference in her movements as she portrayed both parts. It was also impressive watching her all those consecutive fouettes that Swan Lake is famous for. I wasn't able to count if she did all 32 or not (Fouettes are basically turns when you are balanced en pointe on one foot) I enjoy learning about the technique of ballet.

I didn't stalk former prima ballerina/current Artistic Director Karen Kain this time;O), I already have a signed programme that she signed. After the ballet N. got me a little pair of ballet slippers for my Pandora bracelet. We returned home and I got my fav homemade eggs benedict, I guess you could said I had a somewhat French theme, ballet, crepes, hollandaise.(All sort of fitting because I just found out I am going to need to make tutus for the show I am working on) Anyway there was the special Wicked cake he bought me. I will leave you with a pic of my special cake, and of the ballet slipper charm. 

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